The Book

When Amon G. Carter Sr. visited Ireland, he was hailed as “the mighty Carter, son of the Lone Star State.” Quite fitting.

  Texas is what it is today – a leader in industry, especially aviation – in part because of the work Carter did in the first half of the 20th century. A one-man economic development department for Fort Worth and vast West Texas, Carter is credited with luring a trillion dollars’ worth of businesses to his beloved state.

  Flashy, excessive, impulsive and powerful, the pretend-cowboy manipulated presidents with gifts and hobnobbed with celebrities.  At every turn, he fought arch-rival Dallas.

  In this book, a companion to the new theatrical production of the same name, Amon Carter tells how he built one of the great media empires of the land – and what he did with it. The book also presents 100 classic photographs from the era that bring Amon’s words to life.